Suche nach Beiträgen von Rapide49
Die Suche lieferte 3 Ergebnisse:
Billeter & Klunz lufthammer
von Rapide49 am 25.03.2015 11:39Suche
billeter & klunz
I have just a bought this air-hammer made in 1900-1914 by billeter & klunz LH3 75 kg.
And need help to find drawings, manuals, brochures and anything else that might shed some light on this hammer Billeter & Klunz LH3 75 KG
If you have any recommendation on how I can find this information I would be very grateful
My German is bad so help would be fantastic.
Best regards Mikael Glatzl
Gothenburg Sweden
E-Mail: [email protected]