Internationales Rennofensymposium 2019 heuer in Eindhoven, NL

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Internationales Rennofensymposium 2019 heuer in Eindhoven, NL

von volute_und_zirbel am 26.08.2019 19:42

Heuer findet das internationale Rennofensymposium 2019 in Eindhoven, NL statt. (16-20.10.2019)

Wenn wer Interesse hat hinzufahren, leit ich gerne die Mail untenbei weiter.
Vielleicht fährt ja wer von Österreich hin und hat Platz.
Soll richtig cool werden und man kann auch am Museumsgelände authentisch nächtigen ;)

Hereby we want you to invite for the annual Iron Smelting Days from 16 to 20 October in the prehistoric village in Eindhoven in the Netherlands.


At the same time it is the autumn break for the children, I would be nice if we have little task for them and easy to understand information, may be little questions or a scavenger hunt?

We invite also blacksmiths', with the idea that the children can see what you can do with iron and may been learn to forge. You can also participate.

The museum will provide us with charcoal, firewood, straw and loam, they also can provide simple lodgings in the Iron Age houses and can advise on local campsites and B&B.

Due the lack of other sponsors we have to ask a contribution for the meals, the museum can provide all meals for €50/person.

feel free to distribute this mail to interested parties

For information and registration see the web page:

For questions respond to this mail

Thee organizing committee

Prehistorisch Dorp On behave off the ironsmelters

Yvonne Lammers Bernard Reepen

Jan Jennissen

Marcel Terdu

Simon Pellequer


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