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Re: My Introduction
von Gerhardt am 01.12.2016 22:52Thank You all for the warm welcome.
I am taking some time to learn my way around the forum, from what I see it is very good and full of very nice work. I like very much that after my rough translations it seems like a good community of people here. I will try and translate any post I have and also read much in the regular German forum
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I take some time on my way to learn the Forum, from what I see, it is very good and full of very nice work. I like it very much that after my rough translations, it seems like a good community of people here. Ich werde versuchen, und übersetzen alle Post Ich habe auch viel in der regulären deutschen Forum lesen (I used a translator so please forgive if I made mistakes)
My Introduction
von Gerhardt am 26.11.2016 15:19Hello All
I am a Smith from Indiana USA and a Tool Supplier in Germany recomended I join here.
Over the next month of Dec 2016 and 2017 I will be travelling to Bavaria and would like very much to visit some shops there to see and learn new things. I have been an active smith for more than 30 years. I mainly like making art, house accessories, and tools. I only speak intro leval German, but I am taking lessons.
I hope to meet new friends that love sharing information and techniques. Any information would help and would be very nice.
Thank You